January 25, 2009

Doreen and I watched The Dark Knight yesterday.

Apart from being a little too long, I thought it was pretty good. Heath Ledger was excellent as The Joker. It is nice to have really crazy bad guys. (he wears the make-up to cover scars. You hear a couple of stories about how the scars were made, so you don't really know what the truth was. But you are pretty sure his father was involved)

The Batman was played by Christian Bale. I can take him or leave him. His girlfriend was played by Maggie Gyllenhaal - I like her in just about everything she does. But the best was Alfred - played by Michael Caine. He used the same accent (his real accent?) he used in The Man Who Would Be King. Morgan Freeman was Lucius Fox (the R&D guy) He was pretty good, too.

I never read any comic books (as opposed to comic strips. Now if there was a movie about Mary Worth or Apartment 3G I would be all over that!) so I don't really have the back story of these comic book movies (we also recently saw Ironman. Robert Downey Jr is great. Can't wait for Sherlock Holmes) which leave me at sort of a disadvantage sometimes. Why is Bruce Wayne saving the world? How did he get his money? Why does he only go out at night? (I know, I know he is the BATman. The BATman - get it? but why?) It is a mystery.

But I am pretty good at the willing suspension of disbelief thing. So I just sit back and enjoy it...

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