January 24, 2009

Britannica rags on Wikipedia (again)

This is an interesting blog entry by Nicolas Carr:

All Hail the Information Triumvirate! (The Web, Google, and Wikipedia) | Britannica Blog

It talks about how Wikipedia is starting to dominate all Web information. (read the entry. It isn't really that long, and it is interesting)

I am a bit skeptical of his snarky conclusions ("Wisdom of the Mob") because of his position on Britannica's Editorial Board of Advisors (would you trust someone on the board of GM when they criticize Fords?) but some of his points are interesting.

I use (and occasionally contribute to) Wikipedia. It is astounding how good (and how fast!) the Wikipedians are.

Here is a case in point:

If you ever read anything about coffee, there is a myth promulgated in all "conventional" sources that it is the second most traded commodity in the world (after oil). I posted (originally on the "discussion" page) how that was patently untrue (one word: Iron). Since then, the Wikipedia article is one of the few that does not repeat this inaccuracy.

While I don't have a copy of Britannica, I would place money that they claim coffee is the second most traded commodity.

Anecdotally, Wikipedia wins.

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