March 17, 2006

Pass me if you can.

I drive about 18 miles one way to work. Because I have a ‘reverse commute” I am able to drive fast and watch traffic ebb and flow (as in the story below). One thing that has become apparent to me, however, is that people HATE to be passed.

I understand that it is bad when someone passes you and then they slow down. Or someone passes you, and then get in the right lane in front of you and don’t turn right, thereby keeping YOU from making a right turn.

No, I am talking about people that are just poking along on the freeway, and then try to speed up as you pull along side them (usually on their right, of course). These are people that invariably think that they are in the right (I was doing the speed limit!) and yet no doubt cause more accidents and road rage than any slipshod lane changing without signaling fool.

The other day I was getting on the freeway (before my entrance because two full lanes again) and I zipped by a fellow in a pick up truck (who was dawdling) and he flipped me off! I mean really. Did he need to touch his brakes? No. Did he need to swerve to miss me? No. All he had to do was keep his foolish hands on his wheel and get his tiny mind behind the fact that my car was faster than his. No value judgment, just a fact.

What a loser.

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