March 12, 2014

Remains of the Day...

After we left Notre Dame, we wandered over to the Isle St Louis, where we had stayed years ago after running away from home.

We saw this interesting modification to a "do not enter" sign:
 I thought it was clever.

We enjoy wandering about the small streets of the Isle. But most stores are now boutiques selling soap, olive oil, or fancy footwear. It is no longer a real neighborhood. This is where Madame Curie lived while in Paris.

They did have a butcher shop left. You will notice that they sell Pau-Piettes. I think we have an old relative named Pau...

Then we walked over to St Eustache, a sort of hybrid Gothic/Renaissance cathedral not really too far from Notre Dame.

It is seldom crowded.

And it doesn't have as many stained glass windows at ND, but we enjoy it none the less.

They have a couple of sundials on the exterior of the church.

They also used to have a fiber optic sundial, but we couldn't find it after the plaza was renovated. I hope that they didn't rip it up.

The cathedral is right across the square from the Bourse, or Stock Exchange.

and around the corner from Dehillerin. The best cooking supply store in the world. Always worth a visit, even if you don't buy anything.

We had dinner that night at Spring.

I won't go into a great amount of detail, but the food was outstanding (we had eaten here a couple of years ago), the wine parings perfect, and the service impeccable, and very friendly.

Then we walked home, lingering on the Pont des Arts long enough to see the Eiffel Tower sparkle for five minutes at the top of the hour. 

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