March 26, 2014

A day in Paris

We are home, but I wanted to go back and talk about a couple of things we did while on this past vacation.

Picasa is no longer "blogger friendly" which makes me rather sad. I actually pay for extra storage, so I have at least a little right to complain. But it sure looks like Google is going to be evil again (Reader, Outlook Calendar Sync, more...) and regret out Picasa, and maybe even Blogger.

OK, so onto better things.

While we were in the St Sulpice church, we noticed a chapel for St Genevieve. But they misspelled it!

Here is Doreen trying to fix it:
 and a close up:
That is, of course, for J. Noel - our lovely grand niece.

It was a beautiful day in Paris, despite the smog. The smog had an upside, though - free Metro!

The French are more law abiding than you think. Look at the lawn in the above photo: No people.

Look at the one below:
 Plenty of people!

The little sign said: People Allowed!

And the Daffodils (or are then jonquils?) were all in bloom.

and something for our family in Wyoming:

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