July 12, 2010

Cooking Revival Meats Pork Chops

I like to eat meat. I know that Michael Pollen says that we should "Eat Food. Mostly Plants. Not too much" but I love the mouth feel of a cook piece of pork with fat slippery and oozing down my chin. I also love animals. I agree with Peter Singer that we should try to minimize the amount of suffering in the world.

Which is why I was excited when I found out about Revival Meats (see previous post) and the fact that they were coming to Houston to sell some pork.

I bought bacon and pork chops:

From Revival Meats and other backyard pleasures

From Revival Meats and other backyard pleasures

and I wanted to honor the pig by making him delicious.

I decided that I would grill the Chops, and accompany them with grill corn on the cob

From Revival Meats and other backyard pleasures

and grilled peaches:

From Revival Meats and other backyard pleasures

But before we get to cooking, I wanted to brine the pork. I send Morgan a text just to make sure it still made sense to bring pork of this quality, and he said that it was fine. So I made a simple brine of kosher salt (about 1/2 c) and sugar (about 3T) in about a quart of water:

From Revival Meats and other backyard pleasures

I let the chops brine for about an hour, and then let them sit at room temperature for another hour or so. Aren't they beautiful?

From Revival Meats and other backyard pleasures

I then started the grill,

From Revival Meats and other backyard pleasures

Peppered the pork,

From Revival Meats and other backyard pleasures

and started grilling

From Revival Meats and other backyard pleasures

Look at these beautiful peaches!

From Revival Meats and other backyard pleasures

I wanted to make sure that the pork didn't overcook, so I got out my trusty thermo-pen:

From Revival Meats and other backyard pleasures
but the battery was dead.

So we grilled the pork and corn

From Revival Meats and other backyard pleasures

From Revival Meats and other backyard pleasures

Until they were done. (Pork to about 135 degrees F, corn until it was blackened)

This is what it looks like plated:

From Revival Meats and other backyard pleasures

From Revival Meats and other backyard pleasures

The pork was great:

From Revival Meats and other backyard pleasures

(it was a little pinker than that photo shows)

From Revival Meats and other backyard pleasures

Man, it was good!

From Revival Meats and other backyard pleasures

This is the wine we had with it:

From Revival Meats and other backyard pleasures

and THAT was a winner! I love those Burgundy Wines.

Finally, the roasted peaches with ice cream and caramel sauce, sprinkled with malt:

From Revival Meats and other backyard pleasures

It was a delicious meal.

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