June 26, 2010

Sur le Pont d'Avignon

After we got back from our trip to Gordes, we dropped the car off in its garage and wandered back to the apartment.

We had a great meal at a place called Thierry Piedoie that Doreen had seen listed as one of the New York Time's top five restaurants in Avignon. Look at the photos, the food was as good as it looked. The odd thing about that place is that they had no pink wine! I always thought that was a mainstay of Provence. They also eat their lamb very rare. Good for us, off putting for others.

After lunch we ambled on down to the Pont (made famous in song). It is only half a bridge anymore, having fallen down in a flood in 1668. (!). That is one old bridge.

It was so darned windy while we were there, you felt as if you might be blown off the bridge. We were told that this is the Mistral wind - a strong wind from the North. IT certainly made the skies blue!

Doreen dancing:

You cans sort of see how windy it was. Look at our hair! Neither of us could wear our hats in Avignon as it was so windy.

There was a chapel on the bridge to hold the bones of St Bénezet. He was the one whom God told to build a bridge across the Mighty Rhone there. The town elders laughed at him until he picked up a huge stone nobody else could move and laid the foundation.

As I am sure everyone knows, the Papacy was based in Avignon from 1305 to 1378. (From 1378 to 1415 the anti-Popes were there)

More later on the Pope's Palace.
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