February 22, 2006

and THIS is the thanks I get?

There really is someone for everyone in this world. Friends. Lovers. Bosses. Yes, I think that the fact is that everyone in the US is capable of calling up at least one person and saying: “Let’s go have a beer!” without being turned down. And yes, I think that everyone in this country, no matter how unappealing to you or me, has a soul mate somewhere nearby. Someone who will say “yes” when asked, will carry their water, and will stand by them through think and thin. And finally, I really do think that almost everyone in this country is employable. They may not end up being Donald Trump, or even Leona Helmsley, but I think that most people can get, and keep, a job.

I was thinking about this because I was thinking back on the folks I have fired in my day. Some of these people I still have an almost day to day dealing with. What I am always amazed at is that these jokers, some of whom I felt were not worth the spit it would take to put them out if they were on fire, are working! And, by all accounts, getting paid and not fired.

Now, let me say that some of the people that I have fired I had to be let go out of economic necessity rather than performance. These people, almost uniformly, are much better off than they were before. Some even come to me and thank me for making them change their ways. I accept the gratitude. But I notice that there is never cash associated with those cries of thanks.

Ungrateful punks.

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