October 8, 2005

Why Blog?

It may come as no surprise to the few who read this blog, but I was very active in my High School newspaper. I had a column that reflected on the life at Appleton High School West. It was called 4% Pantomime, named after The Band song written by Van Morrison and Robbie Robertson. The song was about a poker game. I loved writing for that newspaper, and for a while even toyed with the idea of becoming a journalist.

So why these True Confessions? An old friend of mine was reading the blog this last week and suggested a topic – and that topic was “Why do people blog”? I started thinking about this, and of course, I can’t answer for all the millions of blogs clogging up the internet, but I can talk about mine.

I like to write, and having a forum like this makes it easy for me to pretend that I am publishing something important. It also lets me share interesting websites with close friends and family. I can occasionally come up with a clever bon mot, or an interesting question that I can’t answer.

SO why do I blog? I guess because I have interesting insights and opinions.

AND why do others blog? Because they are all blow hards.

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