November 3, 2008

Vote for Obama

For the first time in my voting career - and that would be 1976 when Carter ran against Ford, I am voting for a major party candidate whom I think will win.

Historically I have voted for the Libertarian candidate, as that is the party with whom I generally share the most ideals. But I think that in this election it is too important to throw away your vote. Even in as red a state as Texas, I want people to know that I have voted for a candidate I think will make a difference, both to the United States domestically and to our standing in the world.

Call me naive or call me foolish, but there is only one candidate in this election who stand for individual freedoms as well as international sanity, and that candidate is Barack Obama. I know that I am voting for higher taxes on me and my family, but that is inevitable. McCain is simply lying to us if he thinks he can do all he claims and not raise taxes.

And Barack is a vote against the US Taliban, AKA the Christian Coalition. Republicans are all for Federalism until it touches Gay Marriage, Abortion, Gun Control, Assisted Suicide, Marijuana Laws, or Education. Then they want the big daddy US government to step in. Does anyone care that "Under God" was added to the Pledge in the 1950s? I do. Does anyone care that the Founding Fathers purposefully eliminated a state religion from the constitution? I do. I do not want our government acting like the Stasi in cold war East Germany. We are better than that. Even in Hogans Hero's we abided by the Geneva convention.

Most libertarians I know are voting for Obama. Because we are sick of an elected dictator. One who believes that the Executive branch of government trumps all others. And and Executive who signs legislation "with his fingers crossed" and institutes what he believes to be a line item veto. We have three co-equal branches of Government, and I am ready to have them restored.

I am ready for a federal government of whom I can be proud, both domestically and internationally. I work in an international business, and am I sick and tired of having to apologize for our President and our actions.

I am proud to be an American. I am ready, for the first time in my life, to be proud to be an American under a Democratic President that I voted for.


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