August 20, 2005

Mighty Weather Station

Earlier this year, we were in a Home Depot and saw some phones for sale. Our phones at home were dying with sad regularity – sometimes you couldn’t pick up, and at other times they just didn’t ring. So we had been keeping our eyes out for a new phone.

So we spot this bin of portable phones at Home Depot, and they had something extra. They were only about $30, and they not only were a phone, but they had a MIGHTY WEATHER STATION included! What? YES! A MIGHTY WIRELESS WEATHER STATION!

We could not pass up this deal. We bough the MIGHTY WEATHER STATION PHONE (or MSWP) and brought it home to install tout d’suite.

This is a great phone. It has a transmitting part that you put outside (in the shade, of course) and the home base gives you time, day, date, phase of the moon, tide, barometric pressure, internal and external temperature and humidity. What joy!

In reality, we rarely use the MIGHTY WEATHER STATION part of the MWSP in the summer, but in the winter it is invaluable. In the summer, you always know what the weather in Houston will be like. Hot and Humid (two wonderful attributes, I might add) but in the winter, you never know. So the MWSP has paid us back in spades.

I would recommend a MWSP to anyone in the market for a phone. Or a weather station.

1 comment:

  1. I had that same problem with my phone not ringing when I was single.
